Welcome To Show The Love Jewelry 2.0!

I am so excited to be relaunching Show The Love (STL) Jewelry and this time with more inspiration than ever before!  It has been eight years since I talked to Fergie at the Grammy’s and she said how much she supported Show The Love’s mission to give back to those less fortunate (she had been seen wearing one of our Kwan Yin necklaces that we had made for Tsunami relief).  Soon after that, I stopped the jewelry business to focus on family (i.e. birthing third kid..oy), sculpting and my eco-obsessions (book and blog).  Well as fate may have it, I am back at it, though this time I have figured out a way to combine my love for sculpting with my love for making jewelry and my desire to help make the world a better place!  My partner Amy and I are hoping to uplift women through our eco-conscious jewelry’s inspirational messages and to give back to women through one of our favorite charities Water.org.  Thank you for reading this blog and for supporting our efforts to ‘make it all better’.

xoxo jen pleasants (STL designer)